Gardener Agreement

GARDENERS’ GUIDELINES 2018                                                     

Welcome to the SHarP Community Garden, now in its eighth year. The acronym stands for Shared Harvest Project, which means that one of our primary goals is to furnish fresh-grown vegetables to the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry at 42nd and Boulevard Place. The garden is a mix of individual raised beds for personal gardening and community beds grown exclusively for the pantry. We take the “community” part of the garden seriously and hope you will enjoy the fellowship of other gardeners here, as well as the curious passersby who are interested in the garden. We all learn from one another, whatever our experience in gardening has been. Over the years, we have found that a few guidelines go a long way towards managing a productive garden. We trust that you will agree to the following:

• I will have something planted in my garden plot by May 15 and will keep it planted all summer long.

• I will not use chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides—SHarP maintains organic standards.

• I will visit my plot at least once a week to check conditions and will arrange for someone else to do so when I am ill, away on vacation, or too busy. This is important for watering, weed control and harvesting.

• I will sign up for one or two one-week assignments to keep all community beds watered.

• I will keep weeds down and maintain the areas immediately surrounding my plot, including trimming grass that grows up at the base of the bed. Brooke Southerland mows the lawn on a regular basis.

• If my plot becomes unkempt, I understand the garden leaders will give me two weeks’ notice to clean it up. After that time, they will re-assign it or care for the plants and harvest them for the pantry. To ensure that our mission for the food pantry moves forward, we need to maximize production for all the raised beds.

• If I must abandon my plot for any reason, I will notify the garden leaders.

• I will help keep trash and litter cleaned from the garden, taking away any garbage (cell packs, bags, etc).

• I will participate in the garden’s spring cleanup, usually in late April/early May, the summer workday, and the fall cleanup, usually in late October/early November. I will clean out my plot by the end of November.

• I will pick only crops from my own plot or my adopted community beds unless given permission by another plot user. Of course, organized harvesting from a community bed, as directed by the garden leaders, would be an exception.
• I agree to volunteer time toward community gardening efforts, such as harvesting for the food pantry or helping to maintain the overall site, as need arises and as directed by the garden leaders.

• I will pay an annual fee of $20 per plot to help cover garden expenses, such as soil mixes, common tools, water, and seeds and plants for the community beds.

• I am aware of the resources posted to our blog spot online,, and I have read the guidelines on donating food to the pantry, watering procedures, adopting community beds, composting, etc.
• I understand that neither the garden group nor owner of the land are responsible for my actions. I therefore agree to hold harmless the garden group and owner of the land for any liability, damage, loss or claim that occurs in connection with use of the garden by me or any of my guests.

Signature________________________________ Date _______________

E-mail address ___________________________ Phone(s) ­_______________________

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